The things below will not be easy to hear. It will come as a surprise, or it will fulfill what you may have known for some time. My goal is not to put the inclinations and chatter to rest, but rather to start a conversation. I will state my feelings, and it is my solemn hope we can discuss from there.
Since the age of 13, I have been confused about my sexuality. While I have confined my public relationships to those of the opposite sex, I assure you this; I have waged a very private battle. I tire of this war. This hell is part self made and part constructed from without. Both have converged within me to create a burden I shoulder, until now.
Now, I choose to come out. Not as a gay man, or a bisexual man or a straight man, but as a man with a fluid sexuality. I desperately don't want to be put in a box or labeled. I am also not seeking permission to hold these beliefs or feelings. Rather, I am confessing.
The Nathan Box you know and love has not changed. I am still addicted to politics, movies, sports, current events, education, reading, writing, traveling and many other things used to describe me. Who I choose to love is such a small piece of who I am, but it is who I am.
Those with a different worldview or long held religious beliefs may think I am committing some great sin. It is not my goal to change your mind. I am seeking tolerance. I am seeking acceptance. More than anything, I am seeking your love.
The road before me may be much harder than any that has come before it. In these difficult days, I will need friends and family more than ever. I am not asking you to shoulder the burden. Rather, I am asking you to have my back. I am asking for the most gracious display of unconditional love.
Thanks for entering my world,