Image provided by @mangofantasy.
I see the good in all and the worst in most. I am an anarchist raised by conservative Republicans. I am a hippie raised by evangelical Christians. I am a carnivore with a vegan brother. I am an ideological pragmatist. I am an emotional empiricist. There is one reality and many interpretations. I am a capitalist who supports labor unions. I am a heterosexual man who believes in the freedom of all to express his/hers/or their own truth. I see the value in a benevolent dictator and in a direct democracy. I believe in the welfare state and rugged individualism. I see truth everywhere and in nothing at all. I think everything matters in the least meaningful way possible. We are all a product of our environment, and yet a product of a predetermined genetic lottery. We have absolute freedom, and yet everything is predetermined. We all have the right to live our own truth, but the truth may be rigid and inflexible. I am a principled non-dualist. I am an introverted extrovert. I am a dogmatic, agnostic and atheistic Christian. I am within the set that includes no other sets. I am an army of one. I am the unmoved mover. I wish I could choose a side, but then I would cease to be in the middle, cease to be in the flux, cease to be that which makes me who I am: the most committed of all fence straddlers.
-Guthrie Crull