“I will flatly say that the bulk of this country’s white population impresses me, and has so impressed me for a very long time, as being beyond any conceivable hope of moral rehabilitation. They have been white, if I may put it, too long…” -James Baldwin
“The mythology - really, the lie - that white Christians tell ourselves, on the few occasions we face our history, is that Christianity has been a force of unambiguous good in the world. No matter what evil Christians commit or what violence Christian institutions justify, an idealized conception of Christianity remains unscathed. This conviction is so deep that evidence to the contrary is simply dismissed.” -Robert P. Jones
“Reflecting back across his life, Douglass concluded solemnly: “Were I to be again reduced to the chains of slavery, next to that enslavement, I should regard being the slave of a religious master the greatest calamity that could befall me. For of all slaveholders with whom I have ever met, religious slaveholders are the worst. I have ever found them the meanest and basest, the most cruel and cowardly, of all others.” -Robert P. Jones
“If you were recruiting for a white supremacist cause on a Sunday morning, you’d likely have more success hanging out in the parking lot of an average white Christian church - evangelical Protestant, mainline Protestant, or Catholic - than approaching whites sitting out services at the local coffee shop.” -Robert P. Jones
Be good to each other,
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