A good friend from Oklahoma arrives in Seattle today and it is exactly what I need!
People are so awkward when it comes to talking about mental health.
Later today, I am sharing a really honest account of my mental health over the last year. I am really nervous to share but feel compelled to do so.
Saturday, I spent most of the day alone. Mentally, I really struggled.
I paid rent today for the first time since February 2020. In a weird way, this feels like a small win.
I need to focus on growing my circle of friends before getting too involved.
I need to grow my circle of friends in Seattle beyond those who expect something from me.
This weekend, I broke down and told Brandon how alone I feel and how badly I miss Los Angeles. Being that vulnerable wasn’t easy, but it was necessary.
I will often spend hours crafting and writing an essay. In the moments before I share it with the world, I am filled with nervous anticipation and excitement. More often than not, I find myself disappointed by what isn’t read. After nearly 10+ years of doing this, I still don’t know how to shake this feeling.
I don’t have friends in Seattle. Sure, I have single-serving friends. With these people, we gather to grab a drink, share dinner, or hang out for the evening, but no one who I would call a best friend. I desperately miss having a best friend.
Today is my mom’s birthday. I love that woman with all my heart!
I am floored by the amount of stuff I have accumulated in 37 years. Going forward, I plan on being much more intentional about what I bring into my house.
Just a little more work and our apartment will feel like a home. I have been waiting for this feeling for a long time.
We are home!
Be good to each other,
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