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Captured (15/15): A Photography Journey

Back in 2012, I upgraded my camera and began sharing my photography with the world. I did so with some anxiety. All the photographers I admired were so much better than me. Undeterred, I kept at it. Every trip, every drive across the country, every walk through my hometown, and every new challenge presented an opportunity to hone my newfound hobby.

As I look back at this collection of photos, I see more than composition, lighting, and angles. I remember the friends standing by my side when I captured some of these photos. For those times I was alone, I remember wishing someone was standing next to me experiencing the beauty I was attempting to remember. I also remember the joy I felt holding a moment I considered beautiful and unforgettable.

These photos are a timeline of an amateur photographer who desperately wants to experience more of the world, but someone who remains privileged to have found a hobby that forces me to slow down and meditate on the beauty of this world. I hope these moments in time encourage you to do the same.

American Flag - 2012 (Seattle, WA)

Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum - 2013 (Oklahoma City, OK)

Field of Tulips - 2014 (Mt. Vernon, WA)

Cracked Desert Floor - 2015 (Salton Sea, CA)

A Foggy Hike - 2016 (Snoqualmie Pass, WA)

A Clocktower - 2017 (Chicago, IL)

Downtown Chicago - 2018 (Chicago, IL)

A Curve in the Road - 2019 (Joshua Tree National Park, CA)

The Broad - 2020 (Los Angeles, CA)

The Golden Gate Bridge - 2021 (San Francisco, CA)

Downtown Seattle - 2022 (Seattle, WA)

At An Angle - 2023 (Oklahoma City, OK)

Busy Bee - 2024 (Los Angeles, CA)

Be good to each other,
