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Kidnapped, Part III (In Three Parts)

The following is a work of fiction. In Three Parts serves as an opportunity to flex my creative writing muscle. 

To read Kidnapped, Part I, click here. To read Kidnapped, Part II, click here.

The door swung open without a sound. Thinking I might need to run, I want nothing in my way. Standing in the doorway, I am enveloped in the light of day. The sudden switch from a pitch-black room to an outdoor space engulfed in the morning sun blinds me. With dilated eyes, it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust.  

I cannot stand here for long. With shaky hands and the hope of freedom on my mind, I rub my eyes, attempting to speed up the process. As the yard before me comes into view, I look for an escape route. Then, from every corner of the yard, I find myself surrounded by a screaming crowd of people. Panic replaces a taste of freedom.  

Frozen in place, shock replaces panic. I recognize the faces before me. They are friends, family, and co-workers. Seeing the horror and disbelief on my face, they scream, “Happy Birthday” in unison.  

I go limp and fall to my knees. In stunned silence, I ask myself, “Birthday?” “Today is my birthday? For a surprise party, they stole me from my bed, blindfolded me, drove me across town, and locked me away in a shed! This cannot be happening to me!” 

As these thoughts rush over me like a violent rapid, my four best friends step forward. Laughing and completely satisfied with themselves, I meet my captors. Still in shock, I tell them, “I will never forgive you for this. But for now, get out of my way. I am dying to use the restroom.”  

 Be good to each other,  
