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An Attempt (Baked Goods): Almond Butter Banana Bread

“An Attempt” is a recurring series on In the series, we take a recipe found via a cookbook, website, or app and attempt to recreate it using the instructions provided. “An Attempt (Baked Goods)” is my current writing project on focusing solely on baked treats.  

Recipe: Almond Butter Banana Bread from Dessert Person by Claire Saffitz.  

Introduction: Perhaps you are a lot like me. Perhaps you have scrolled through endless recipes found on Pinterest or any of the other countless cooking apps, frustrated by the long story accompanying every recipe you stumble upon in your endless quest.  

This series will be different. As a writer, I will not spend a lot of time writing about why almond butter makes me think of the dog we had when I was in the third grade and how I cried when she died. I love food. I have a lot of fond memories tied to food, but I am more interested in the result and whether it is worth your time.  

I am choosing to chronicle this journey because I love to cook. This journey will provide another creative avenue. It will also give me a chance to share my love of providing for others. I am not an expert or a professional chef. I am just a guy using the tools at his fingertips, attempting to recreate some magic using the instructions provided to me. In the end, I will judge a recipe by its difficulty, tastiness, and any necessary changes. This is “An Attempt.”   

Reaction: Baking scares me, but I have a sweet tooth. With this in mind, I added Dessert Person by Claire Saffitz to my Amazon list in 2020 and received it for Christmas a few months later. As I approached my first recipe, I was nervous and excited. The result of that first attempt was a spicy honey rye loaf. It was so much better than I expected. With growing confidence, I tackled the second recipe in the book; a recipe for Almond Butter Banana Bread.  

With my long list of ingredients prepared and waiting before me, I began assembling. Before I knew it, almond butter, sugar, and coconut oil were in a small bowl. Next, flour, baking powder, kosher salt, baking soda, ground cardamom, eggs, bananas, Greek yogurt, vanilla extract, and roasted almonds were whisked together. Next, I folded the two together and placed the batter in a loaf pan. Finally, I used the remaining almond butter on the top of the loaf.  

As my loaf baked, I could only think of how I might have messed up this recipe. Within ten minutes, the distinct smell of banana and rising bread started filling my apartment. Well, I got the smell part right.  

Before I knew it, my creation emerged from the oven. After some inpatient waiting for the bread to cool, we sliced into my latest baking adventure. Happily, I can report that I nailed it. Shooting 100% so far in my “Dessert Person” journey, I found myself filled with pride. If I can bake, anyone can.  

As far as the Almond Butter Banana Bread was concerned, its texture was soft and lovely to eat. In every bite, I tasted almonds and bananas. For a week now, we’ve been reheating slices and having them for dessert. With every plate, I feel proud of myself and this journey of mine.  

Be good to each other,  


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