Musical Thesis: My 2021 Album of the Year
To listen to the Musical Thesis: Album of the Year Playlist, click here.
“Like a bird on the wire. Like a drunk in a midnight choir. I have tried in my way to be free.”
There is no other way to say it. I am embarrassed to type these next few words, but here I go. Of all the records I own, and all the artists tucked away in my digital library, none of them are Leonard Cohen. Of course, I know about him. If pressed, I can even name a few songs, but I have never pulled the trigger and purchased one of his records. First Aid Kit’s Who by Fire–Live Tribute to Leonard Cohen serves as more than my album of the year. It serves as much needed introduction to the Canadian-born singer, songwriter, poet, and novelist. Based on everything I hear on this album, Mr. Cohen and I will find ourselves spending a lot of time together.
I have been following First Aid Kit for years now. With each release, I find myself more impressed and enthralled by their raw talent. As I digested this collection of songs, I made an assumption about what would wait for me on the other end. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
For this review, I listened to the album three times from beginning to end. After each listen, I jotted down some notes. On each occasion, I wrote some variations of the word poetry. Make no mistake, this album is part tribute, part attempt at interpreting the work of Cohen, and part elevation of the written and performed word. But it is also a poem. It is poetry. It is poetic. It is unlike anything I heard this year.
Cohen’s words in the hands of First Aid Kit are treated with tremendous care and respect. Each song feels holy and special. There is actual poetry on this album, and it feels both timely and timeless. With each track, I found a challenge we still wrestle. On one hand, this sheer lack of progress can feel depressing. It also makes the words feel immortal and relatable. The problems facing humankind never seem to end. The character attempting to solve these problems seems to be the only thing that changes. With these songs playing background in my mind, I must find solace because every new generation gets closer to that goal.
In the end, this progress will be the album’s parting impression for me. The stories told in these songs will echo throughout eternity. Someone else may sing the words. New listeners will struggle to interpret meaning. Occasionally, progress will be hard to find, but for those who will look hard enough, it is there. First Aid Kit understands the mission and has successfully added their own verse. As I reflect on the year that was, that verse was strong enough to be timeless by me.
Be good to each other,
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