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Musical Thesis: Grandchildren "Golden Age"

At the center of every album is a musical thesis. “Golden Age” by Grandchildren seems to be focused on this moment in history we are living through. With each song, they offer a myriad of ways one could look at this period in human history. From there, you are left to draw your own conclusions. The first conclusion I drew focused on escaping. When I say escape, I don’t mean a violent end. Instead, I focused on this idea of retreating from whatever is holding you down or back; retreating to some other place where you will feel more comfortable and yourself.

Secondly, this album made me think of all those times when my back was against the wall and I felt void of options. These are moments I wish I could have escaped from, but refuge was nowhere to be found. These can be life-altering moments. They can also shape you for the better or for the worse. I, for one, have tried to use these moments to grow, learn, and move forward. I haven’t always been successful in my ambitions, but at least I can say I tried.

Finally, this album made me think of an end to something magical. When a wave of change comes rushing overhead, it can feel like a candle’s light going out on a windblown windowsill. It is extremely difficult to stay positive in these moments. It is even harder when you try to not allow them to define you. Instead, we must remind ourselves the course of life is long and the potential for more magical moments coming your way is high.

Be good to each other,


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