Cinephile No. 559 “Deadpool”
If more Marvel movies were like "Deadpool," I'd probably like more Marvel movies. I say this as a reformed comic book nerd (please don’t check the top shelf of my closet). Marvel movies always leave me in awe with their ability to tell an origin story, but the sequels that follow usually bore me to death. I don’t know where the disconnect occurs and I am fully aware this film is an origin story, but it is also unlike any comic book movie I have ever seen. It is irreverent, crude, totally not meant for kids, and touching at the same time. Sure, you know the outcome before the credits roll, but that doesn’t matter here. Why? Because you laugh your way through most of the film and find yourself rooting for our less than “super” hero. Now, a bigger question looms. A sequel is in our midst. How will Marvel handle the rest of the story?
Be good to each other,