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Cinephile No. 510 “The Little Death”

"The Little Death" is the funniest movie I have ever seen about the subject of sex. I know that’s a bold statement, because every movie seems to be about sex, but this movie did something different. It took a handful of couples and focused on what they needed to achieve “the little death” which is another name for an orgasm. One girl wants to be raped by her partner (one of those rare cases where rape was actually funny), another woman is turned on by her partner’s tears and quite possibly strangest of all is a couple who take role playing too far. There are a few other couples thrown in there, but all need something special to reach that moment of ecstasy. Of all the movies I saw at this year’s Seattle International Film Festival, this is the one I am most excited for other people to see.


Thanks for entering my world, ​
