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Cinephile No. 506 “Aloha”

“Aloha” had too many talented actors to be relegated to one-liners and sound bites. Seriously, sit down and think of every cliché line you’ve ever heard in a movie… I will wait. I assure you most of them are in this picture. Beyond that, we follow the storyline of characters who possess back stories we don’t fully understand, because they are never fully explained. We know some people love some people and now those people love other people. The important details are left behind. All the while, Bill Murray’s character is trying to claim space for himself with weapons married to a satellite. Yeah, you read that right. This is no ordinary love story. There is a billionaire terrorist in our midst. In the end, this story could have been fixed a few more rewrites, a decent back story and demanding the most of uber-talented actors. I guess it’s too late to say “Aloha” to that story.

Thanks for entering my world,
