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Cinephile No. 543 “Trumbo”

The story of the Communist Blacklists and their impact on Hollywood during the Cold War was a story begging to be told and "Trumbo" delivered. As you sit in your chair taking in a story very few of us know, I hope you are shocked and mystified by the actions of those you see on screen. I hope you leave the theatre a bigger believer in your constitutional right to assemble, your right to free speech, and your right to express an idea outside the norm. Liberal, conservative, communist, fascist, Green or Tea Party, you have the right to express yourself and your beliefs. I have the right to disagree. We both are of the right to try and sway popular opinion. This is what makes this country so special and any attempt to silence those you disagree with should be seen as shameful and cowardice. This is the point “Trumbo” tries to drive home and it excels in its storytelling.

Be good to each other,
